Writing Task 1: Structure


1. Introduction:

  • Start your essay by paraphrasing the question and providing a brief overview of the chart or graph. Mention the type of chart (e.g., bar chart, line graph, pie chart, table) and the main subject or topic it represents.

  • For example: “The given bar chart illustrates the sales figures of three different products in a department store over a period of five years.”

    • The given chart/graph presents…
    • The provided visual data illustrates…
    • This bar chart/line graph/pie chart/table depicts…

2. Overview:

  • In this section, provide a general summary of the main trends, patterns, or features shown in the chart or graph. Keep it concise and avoid including specific data.

  • For example: “Overall, it can be seen that Product A had the highest sales throughout the period, while Product C experienced a gradual increase over the years.”

    • Overall, it can be observed that…
    • In general, it is clear that…
    • From an overall perspective, it is evident that…

3. Describing trends:

  • Use appropriate vocabulary to describe the changes or trends shown in the chart or graph. Pay attention to the units of measurement and the time frame.

  • For example: “The sales of Product A remained relatively stable between 2010 and 2012, but experienced a sharp decline in 2013. However, it gradually recovered and reached its peak in 2014.”

    • The data shows a steady/increasing/decreasing trend.
    • There was a significant rise/fall in…
    • The figures remained relatively stable/consistent/unchanged over the given period.
    • There was a sharp/dramatic/gradual decline/increase in…

4. Comparisons:

  • Compare the values or categories shown in the chart or graph. Use comparative language to highlight similarities or differences.

  • For example: “In contrast to Product A, the sales of Product B consistently increased over the years, surpassing Product A in 2013 and maintaining a steady growth until the end of the period.”

    • In comparison to X, Y experienced…
    • X outperformed Y in terms of…
    • There was a notable difference between X and Y in…
    • X had a higher/lower percentage/proportion compared to Y.

5. Specific data:

  • Include specific data points from the chart or graph to support your descriptions and comparisons. Use precise language to express the values or proportions.

  • For example: “In 2014, Product A accounted for approximately 35% of the total sales, whereas Product B and Product C contributed approximately 25% and 40% respectively.”

    • According to the chart/graph, the value of X was…
    • The percentage/proportion of X accounted for…
    • X reached a peak/maximum/minimum of…
    • The figures for X were significantly higher/lower than those for Y.

6. Summarizing:

  • Conclude your essay by summarizing the main trends or features discussed in the body paragraphs. Avoid introducing new information or data.

  • For example: “To summarize, the bar chart clearly demonstrates the dominance of Product A in terms of sales, while Product B and Product C showed varying patterns of growth over the five-year period.”

    • In conclusion, the chart/graph highlights…
    • To sum up, the main trends in the given data are…
    • Overall, it can be concluded that…
    • Taking everything into account, it is clear that…

Examples by Task Type

1. Pie Chart:

  • The pie chart illustrates the distribution of expenses in a household budget.
  • It is clear from the pie chart that the majority of the budget is allocated to housing and transportation.
  • The largest portion of the pie chart is dedicated to food and groceries, accounting for 40% of the total expenses.

  • The pie chart illustrates the distribution of sales for different product categories.
  • It is evident from the pie chart that the largest portion of the sales comes from the electronics category, accounting for 40% of the total.
  • The smallest segment in the pie chart represents the furniture category, contributing only 10% to the overall sales.

2. Line Graph:

  • The line graph depicts the changes in average temperature over a 10-year period.
  • From the line graph, it can be observed that there was a gradual increase in temperature from 2010 to 2020.
  • There was a sharp decline in temperature in 2015, followed by a steady rise in the subsequent years.

  • The line graph depicts the fluctuation in stock prices over a five-year period.
  • From the line graph, it is clear that there was a steady increase in stock prices from 2010 to 2012, followed by a sharp decline in 2013.
  • The stock prices reached their peak in 2014 and gradually declined thereafter.

3. Bar Chart:

  • The bar chart compares the sales figures of different products in a store.
  • According to the bar chart, Product A had the highest sales, while Product B had the lowest sales.
  • There was a significant difference in sales between Product C and Product D, with Product C outselling Product D by a wide margin.

  • The bar chart compares the population growth of different cities in a country.
  • According to the bar chart, City A has the highest population growth rate, while City B has the lowest.
  • There is a significant difference in population growth between City C and City D, with City C experiencing a much higher growth rate.

4. Table:

  • The table provides information on the population growth in different countries over a period of five years.
  • From the table, it is evident that Country X experienced the highest population growth, whereas Country Y had the lowest growth rate.
  • There was a steady increase in population in all the countries mentioned in the table.

  • The table provides information on the average monthly income of individuals in different age groups.
  • From the table, it can be observed that the highest average monthly income is found in the age group of 35-44, while the lowest is in the 18-24 age group.
  • There is a gradual increase in average monthly income as age increases.

5. Diagram/Process:

  • The diagram illustrates the process of how a solar panel works.
  • The diagram shows the various stages involved in manufacturing a car.
  • The process begins with raw materials being gathered and ends with the final product being delivered to the customer.
  • The process begins with the seed germinating and developing roots. As the plant grows, it develops stems, leaves, and eventually flowers or fruits.