Speaking Vocabulary: Clothes

  1. It is in vogue (ɪt ɪz ɪn voʊg): Currently popular or in fashion.

  2. It is fashionable (ɪt ɪz ˈfæʃənəbəl): Stylish and currently popular.

  3. It is one of a kind (ɪt ɪz wʌn ʌv ə kaɪnd): Unique; unlike anything else.

  4. It is trendy (ɪt ɪz ˈtrɛndi): Currently popular or in style.

  5. Casual/formal clothes (ˈkæʒuəl/ˈfɔːrməl kloʊðz): Outfits suitable for everyday wear or relaxed settings (casual) versus outfits suitable for formal events or occasions (formal).

  6. Fashion is a cycle (ˈfæʃən ɪz ə ˈsaɪkəl): Fashion trends tend to repeat or come back after certain periods.

  7. Flamboyant clothes (flæmˈbɔɪənt kloʊðz): Bright, colorful, and often ostentatious clothing.

  8. Mix and match (mɪks ænd mætʃ): Combining different clothing items to create unique looks.

  9. Eclectic in my choice of clothes (ɪˈklɛktɪk ɪn maɪ tʃɔɪs ʌv kloʊðz): Choosing clothes from a diverse range of sources or styles.

  10. The length of the skirt (ðə lɛŋkθ ʌv ðə skɜːrt): Refers to how long a skirt is, e.g., mini, midi, maxi.

  11. Clothes reflect personality (kloʊðz rɪˈflɛkt ˌpɜːrsəˈnælɪti): The idea that what one wears can indicate or express their personal character or preferences.

  12. National costume (ˈnæʃənəl ˈkɒstjuːm): Traditional clothing representing a country or a specific culture within a country.

  13. Traditional clothes (trəˈdɪʃənəl kloʊðz): Outfits that are passed down and representative of a certain culture or history.

  14. Decent clothes (ˈdiːsənt kloʊðz): Proper and respectable clothing.

  15. He/she is fashion conscious (hiː/ʃiː ɪz ˈfæʃən ˈkɒnʃəs): Someone who is aware of and often follows the latest fashion trends.

  16. Has good colour sense (hæz gʊd ˈkʌlər sɛns): Has a good ability to coordinate and choose colors effectively, especially in fashion.

  17. It is reasonably priced (ɪt ɪz ˈriːzənəbli praɪst): The price is fair and affordable.

  18. It is prohibitively expensive (ɪt ɪz prəˈhɪbɪtɪvli ɪkˈspɛnsɪv): So expensive that it prevents people from buying or doing something.

  19. Symbol of national identity (ˈsɪmbəl ʌv ˈnæʃənəl aɪˈdɛntɪti): A representation or emblem that signifies a nation’s identity.

  20. Brand conscious society (brænd ˈkɒnʃəs səˈsaɪəti): A society where people are very aware of brands and often make purchases based on brand names.

  21. Fashion has changed with times (ˈfæʃən hæz tʃeɪndʒd wɪð taɪmz): Fashion evolves and changes as time progresses.

  22. Designer clothes (dɪˈzaɪnər kloʊðz): Clothing created by fashion designers, often branded and more expensive.

  23. It is worn on auspicious days (ɪt ɪz wɔːrn ɒn ɔːˈspɪʃəs deɪz): Refers to clothes that are worn on special or lucky days, often in cultural or religious contexts.

  24. It is cumbersome (ɪt ɪz ˈkʌmbərsəm): Difficult to handle or wear because of size or weight.

  25. Elicits patriotic feelings (ɪˈlɪsɪts pæˈtriːɒtɪk ˈfiːlɪŋz): Evokes feelings of pride and love for one’s country.

  26. Symbol of patriotism (ˈsɪmbəl ʌv pæˈtriːɒtɪzəm): A representation or emblem that signifies love and devotion to one’s country.

  27. Shows the indigenous culture (ʃoʊz ðə ɪnˈdɪdʒɪnəs ˈkʌltʃər): Displays or represents the traditions and customs of the original inhabitants of a region.

  28. It is worn on auspicious days (ɪt ɪz wɔːrn ɒn ɔːˈspɪʃəs deɪz): Refers to clothes that are worn on special or fortunate days, particularly in a cultural, religious, or ceremonial context.

  29. It is cumbersome (ɪt ɪz ˈkʌmbərsəm): It refers to something being difficult to handle, manage, or wear due to its size, weight, or complexity.

  30. Elicits patriotic feelings (ɪˈlɪsɪts pəˈtriːɒtɪk ˈfiːlɪŋz): Evokes or draws out feelings of pride, love, and devotion towards one’s country.

  31. Symbol of patriotism (ˈsɪmbəl ɒv pəˈtriːɒtɪzm): An emblem or representation that signifies love, pride, and devotion to one’s country.

  32. Shows the indigenous culture (ʃoʊz ðə ɪnˈdɪdʒənəs ˈkʌltʃər): Represents or highlights the customs, traditions, and practices of the native inhabitants of a region or country.

An Example Dialogue by ChatGPT

Alex: Hey Jamie, have you noticed how fashion is a cycle? I was going through my mom’s old photos, and it seems what it is in vogue now was popular during her time too!

Jamie: Absolutely! I was shopping yesterday and saw so many flamboyant clothes. They reminded me of the 80s. But you know, I’m more eclectic in my choice of clothes. I love to mix and match.

Alex: Same here. Sometimes, I feel it is cumbersome to follow the latest trends. I mean, the length of the skirt or the color of the season changes so quickly. I believe clothes reflect personality more than anything else.

Jamie: That’s so true. By the way, did you see the national costume exhibition downtown? It beautifully shows the indigenous culture of various countries. Made me quite patriotic!

Alex: Oh, I missed that! But I did attend a seminar on how brands shape our choices. It’s fascinating how we live in such a brand conscious society. Some items are prohibitively expensive, yet people buy them just for the brand.

Jamie: I’ve seen that. But for me, if it is reasonably priced and looks good, it’s a win. After all, it’s not about the brand but how you carry it. I’ve always felt it is fashionable to be confident in whatever you wear.

Alex: Couldn’t agree more. Speaking of fashion, are you attending Clara’s party next week? I heard it’s a themed party where we need to wear traditional clothes.

Jamie: Yes, I am! I’ve decided to wear my grandmother’s dress. It’s one of a kind. What about you?

Alex: Still deciding. I might go for a casual look but give it a formal twist. You know, just to keep things trendy!

Jamie: Sounds like a plan! Remember, fashion is all about having fun and expressing yourself.

Explaining the Dialgue by YouChat

Alex and Jamie are discussing fashion trends and their personal preferences. They both agree that fashion is cyclical, with trends from the past often resurfacing. They also express their individuality through their clothing choices, with Jamie mentioning their love for mixing and matching different styles.

They both find it challenging to keep up with the latest trends and believe that clothes should reflect one’s personality rather than blindly following what is popular. Jamie mentions attending a national costume exhibition that showcased the indigenous culture of different countries, which made them feel patriotic.

Alex mentions attending a seminar on how brands influence consumer choices, noting that some expensive items are bought solely for the brand name. However, Jamie believes that the brand is not as important as how one carries themselves, and they prioritize affordability and personal style.

The conversation shifts to an upcoming themed party hosted by Clara, where traditional clothes are required. Jamie plans to wear their grandmother’s unique dress, while Alex is still deciding on a casual look with a formal twist to stay trendy.

They conclude by emphasizing that fashion should be fun and a means of self-expression.