Speaking Part 1: Questions


1. How often do you check your mail?

  • I check my mail multiple times a day, especially during work hours. I like to stay updated with any important messages or updates.
  • I usually check my email once in the morning and once in the evening. I find that this routine helps me manage my time better without being constantly distracted by incoming emails.

2. Do you think writing emails has strengthened or weakened people’s writing skills?

  • I believe writing emails has both strengthened and weakened people’s writing skills. On one hand, people are writing more often because of emails, but on the other hand, the informal nature of emails has led some to neglect proper grammar and structure.
  • Writing emails has definitely strengthened people’s writing skills, especially in a professional setting. It’s essential to be clear and concise in emails, and this practice can improve overall writing ability.

3. What are some of the disadvantages of e-mails?

  • Some disadvantages of emails include the potential for miscommunication, as tone can be hard to convey, and the risk of important messages getting lost in a crowded inbox or going to the spam folder.
  • Emails can sometimes be impersonal and lack the human touch that face-to-face communication or even a phone call can provide. Plus, there’s always the risk of security breaches and phishing scams.

4. Do you send and receive emails regularly?

  • Yes, I send and receive emails regularly, especially for work. It’s one of my primary means of communication with colleagues and clients.
  • I do receive emails regularly, mostly newsletters and updates, but I tend to use messaging apps more frequently for personal communication.

5. Do you think sending emails will be more or less popular in the future?

  • I think emails will remain popular in the professional world because of their formal nature and record-keeping ability. However, for personal communication, instant messaging apps might overshadow emails.
  • While the use of messaging apps is on the rise, emails will always have a place, especially in the business world. They offer a structured way to communicate, share documents, and maintain a record of conversations.

1. Do you prefer to send postcards to people or to send photos that you took yourself?

  • I prefer sending photos I took myself because they feel more personal and allow me to share my experiences directly with friends and family.
  • I love the charm of postcards, especially when traveling. It gives a sense of the place’s culture and aesthetics, making it special for the recipient.

2. Do you frame (or have you framed) any of your photos?

  • Yes, I’ve framed several photos from my travels and special moments with family. They serve as a reminder of good times and add a personal touch to my home.
  • I haven’t framed many, but I do have a collage wall with photos from various phases of my life. It’s a visual journey every time I look at it.

3. Are there any photos on the walls of your house?

  • Absolutely! I have a few family portraits and some landscape photos I’ve taken on trips hanging on my walls. They bring warmth and memories into my living space.
  • Not many. I prefer keeping my walls minimalistic, but I do have a digital photo frame that rotates through my favorite photos.

4. Do you keep your photographs on your computer?

  • Yes, I store most of my photographs on my computer. I also make sure to back them up on an external hard drive and cloud storage to ensure they’re safe.
  • I used to, but now I primarily use cloud services. It allows me to access my photos from any device and ensures they’re safe from potential computer crashes.

5. How do you keep your photos?

  • I organize my photos in folders by year and event on my computer. It makes it easier to find specific memories when I want to look back.
  • I use a combination of physical albums for special occasions and digital storage for everyday photos. Having physical albums is nostalgic, and it’s always fun to flip through them with friends and family.

1. What season is good for travelling in your hometown?

  • Spring is the best season to travel in my hometown. The weather is pleasant, flowers are in full bloom, and the local festivals make the atmosphere vibrant.
  • I’d recommend autumn. The foliage turns a beautiful shade of gold and crimson, and the cooler temperatures make outdoor activities enjoyable.

2. What are the differences between different seasons?

  • The main differences lie in temperature, natural scenery, and activities. For instance, winter is cold with snow, making it great for winter sports, while summer is warm and perfect for beach outings and picnics.
  • In spring, everything comes to life with blossoms and mild temperatures. Summer is hot and sunny, often leading to tropical storms. Autumn brings a crispness to the air and beautiful fall colors, while winter is cold, sometimes with snow or frost.

3. What’s your least favourite season in your country?

  • I’m not a big fan of summer. The humidity and high temperatures can be quite overwhelming, especially during heatwaves.
  • Winter would be my least favorite. The days are short, and I’m not too fond of the freezing temperatures and having to shovel snow.

4. What do people in your country like to do in different seasons?

  • In summer, people flock to the beaches and have barbecues. Autumn is popular for hiking to see the fall foliage. Winter is all about skiing and enjoying the holidays, while spring sees many outdoor festivals and picnics.
  • Summer is for outdoor concerts and festivals. During autumn, many go apple picking or attend harvest festivals. Winters are spent mostly indoors or at ice skating rinks, and spring is when everyone starts gardening and enjoying outdoor cafes.

5. What’s your favourite season?

  • I adore autumn. The cool breeze, coupled with the mesmerizing colors of the leaves, gives a sense of calm. It’s also the perfect weather for long walks and reading outdoors.
  • Spring is my favorite. After a long winter, seeing flowers bloom and feeling the world come alive again is rejuvenating. Plus, the temperatures are just right, not too hot or too cold.
Musical Instruments

1. Do you think children should learn to play musical instruments?

  • Absolutely! Learning to play a musical instrument can enhance cognitive development, teach discipline, and boost creativity in children.
  • While it’s beneficial, I believe it should be a choice. Forcing a child can take the joy out of it. If a child shows interest, by all means, they should be encouraged.

2. Do you think itโ€™s important to teach music in school?

  • Yes, I do. Music education can foster creativity, improve memory, and even enhance mathematical skills. Plus, it provides a break from the usual academic subjects and can be a source of relaxation.
  • Music has its importance, but it should be balanced with other subjects. While it’s a great medium for self-expression, not every child might be inclined towards it. Offering it as an elective rather than a mandatory subject might be a better approach.

3. How do you feel about those kids who know how to play lots of instruments?

  • I’m genuinely impressed by them. Playing multiple instruments requires dedication, talent, and a deep understanding of music. It’s commendable.
  • It’s admirable, and it showcases their versatility and commitment. However, it’s also essential for kids to balance their time and not feel overwhelmed.

4. How do you feel about the phenomenon that parents in some countries are always forcing their kids to learn all kinds of instruments?

  • I understand that parents want the best for their children, but forcing them might rob the joy out of learning. It’s essential to recognize a child’s interest and passion rather than imposing our desires on them.
  • It’s a double-edged sword. On one hand, it exposes children to various forms of music and instruments, but on the other, it can lead to unnecessary pressure and stress if the child isn’t genuinely interested.

5. Do you play any instruments and what is it?

  • Yes, I play the guitar. I’ve been playing since my teenage years and find it therapeutic.
  • I used to play the piano when I was younger. It’s been a while, but I occasionally play some tunes when I find the time.

1. Do you enjoy birthdays?

  • Yes, I love birthdays! It’s not just about the celebration, but also a time to reflect on the past year and set goals for the next.
  • I have mixed feelings. While it’s nice to be celebrated and spend time with loved ones, it also reminds me of getting older.

2. With whom do you like to celebrate your birthday, family, friends or alone?

  • I prefer a quiet celebration with family. It’s always heartwarming to spend my special day with the people who have been with me through thick and thin.
  • I enjoy a mix. A quiet dinner with family and then maybe a night out with friends. It’s the best of both worlds for me.

3. Do you receive lots of gifts on your birthday?

  • I do receive a few thoughtful gifts, mainly from close family and friends. It’s the gesture and thought behind the gift that matters more to me than the quantity.
  • Not really. Over the years, I’ve requested my friends and family to make memories with me rather than give physical gifts.

4. Do you think it is important for you to celebrate your birthday?

  • It’s essential in a way that it allows me to appreciate life and the journey so far. It’s less about the party and more about gratitude and reflection.
  • Not particularly. While I appreciate the well wishes, I don’t feel the need for a grand celebration every year.

5. What did you do on your birthday when you were young?

  • When I was young, my parents would throw a small party with close friends and family. There would be a cake, games, and lots of laughter.
  • My birthdays were usually spent on family trips. Every year, we’d go to a new place to explore and celebrate.

1. Are dictionaries used a lot in schools in your country?

  • Yes, dictionaries are an essential tool in schools, especially during language classes. They help students expand their vocabulary and understand word meanings and usage.
  • They used to be quite prominent, but with the rise of digital platforms and apps, many students now prefer online dictionaries.

2. What kind of information can you find in a dictionary?

  • In a dictionary, you can find word definitions, their pronunciation, word origins (etymology), and examples of usage in sentences.
  • Beyond just meanings, dictionaries provide synonyms, antonyms, phonetic transcriptions, and sometimes even idiomatic expressions related to the word.

3. Do you think dictionaries are useful for learning a language?

  • Absolutely! Dictionaries are a vital resource for language learners. They provide clarity on word meanings, help in proper pronunciation, and offer context on how words can be used.
  • Yes, they are immensely helpful. However, for language learning, it’s also essential to engage in practical conversations and immersive experiences to understand the nuances.

4. Do you prefer paper or electronic dictionaries?

  • I have a soft spot for paper dictionaries; there’s something about flipping through the pages. But for convenience, I often turn to electronic dictionaries, especially when on the move.
  • Electronic dictionaries, hands down. They’re more portable, offer quick searches, and often come with audio pronunciations, making them super handy.

5. What kinds of dictionaries do you think are the most useful?

  • Bilingual dictionaries are incredibly useful, especially for those learning a new language. It helps bridge understanding between one’s native language and the target language.
  • Thematic dictionaries, which focus on specific fields like law, medicine, or business, are invaluable for professionals. They offer in-depth explanations and context that general dictionaries might not provide.
Public Transport

1. Is it convenient to take a bus/taxi in your city?

  • Yes, it’s quite convenient to take a bus in my city. The routes are well-planned, and buses are frequent, making it easy for daily commutes.
  • Taxis are more convenient in my city due to their availability. Buses, while cheaper, tend to get crowded during peak hours.

2. What form of transport do you usually use?

  • I mostly use the subway for daily commuting. It’s fast, efficient, and avoids the city’s traffic congestion.
  • I prefer cycling for short distances. For longer commutes, I rely on buses since they’re economical and have dedicated lanes.

3. Do you prefer public transportation or private transportation?

  • I prefer public transportation. It’s eco-friendly, cost-effective, and allows me to use travel time for reading or relaxing.
  • I lean more towards private transportation for the convenience and flexibility it offers, especially when running errands or traveling at odd hours.

4. What will become the most popular means of transportation in India?

  • Given the increasing urbanization and traffic congestion, I believe metro trains or subways will become more popular in major Indian cities. They provide a fast and efficient way to travel.
  • With the push towards sustainable transportation, I think electric buses and bicycles will gain significant popularity in India in the coming years.

5. Would you ride bikes to work in the future?

  • Definitely! If my workplace has proper facilities and the distance is manageable, I’d love to ride a bike. It’s a great way to stay fit and reduce carbon footprints.
  • I’d consider it, especially if there are dedicated bike lanes. It’s not just about fitness but also contributing to a greener environment.