Writing Task2: Is the Rise in Online Medical Advice Use a Positive Development?

Wrting Task 2: 250 words, 40 minutes
Nowadays, more and more people seek online medical advice. Why do you think this is happening? Do you think this is a good development?

My writing

With the arrival of the digital age, the use of online medical advice is becoming increasingly common, and some are of the opinion that this is a positive trend, while others differ in opinion. Considering this situation, in my opinion, it is a positive development in terms of convenience and affordability.

To begin with, the use of online medical advice is on the rise as it is a practical approach. This is a time-saving and cost-effective approach due to the fact that people can access medical information and advice for a diverse range of conditions more easily. For example, first-aid information for less serious conditions will not require a doctor to assess the condition. This way of treatment leads to a feasible approach for mild or minor conditions, resulting in reducing the influx of patients with minor conditions at hospitals. Therefore, seeking online medical advice is an effective and pragmatic approach in this modern era.

On the other hand, using online medical advice may not be a good development, as there are drawbacks. The credibility of these online medical advice sites is unknown. Besides that, although some incurable or chronic diseases may require professional expertise and periodic assessment by doctors, they can be unable to state the exact symptoms of their condition and may be given the wrong advice. This leads to inappropriately self-medicating, and consequently, the use of online medical advice may have an adverse effect on people.

In conclusion, online medical advice is a suitable approach for minor conditions, even though there is a possibility for this advice to be wrongly used. In my opinion, this is a positive development if it is treated with caution. (278 words)

Feedback from ChatGPT

The essay provided for IELTS Writing Task 2 is well-structured and addresses the given prompt effectively. Let’s break down its strengths and areas of improvement:


  1. Introduction: You’ve provided a clear introduction where you’ve paraphrased the question and clearly stated your opinion.
  2. Paragraph Structure: You’ve used a logical structure for your paragraphs, providing clear topic sentences and examples to support your points.
  3. Conclusion: You effectively summarized your main points and reiterated your opinion.
  4. Language Use: The essay uses a range of vocabulary and complex sentence structures, which is a positive for the IELTS exam.

Areas of Improvement:

  1. Specific Examples: While you have provided examples, being more specific in some cases could strengthen your argument. For instance, mentioning a popular online medical advice platform could make your point more relatable.

  2. Complexity and Cohesion: You might consider varying your linking words and phrases to showcase a wider range of language skills.

  3. Minor Grammatical Errors: There are a few minor errors in the essay. For instance:

    • “This way of treatment lead to feasible approach…” should be “This way of treatment leads to a feasible approach…”
    • “This lead to inappropriately self-medicate.” should be “This can lead to inappropriate self-medication.”
  4. Depth of Argument: While you’ve touched upon the pros and cons of online medical advice, diving deeper into the implications or providing more varied perspectives might further enhance the essay.

Overall, the essay is well-written and would likely score well on the IELTS exam. With a few refinements, it could achieve an even higher band score. Remember that for IELTS, it’s not just about addressing the prompt but also showcasing a range of language skills and providing a coherent, well-developed argument.

Paraphrased Version by YouChat (280 words)

The use of online medical advice is becoming increasingly popular in the digital age, and opinions on this trend vary. Some view it as a positive development due to its convenience and affordability, while others have concerns. In my opinion, it is a positive development primarily because it offers convenience and cost savings.

One of the main advantages of online medical advice is its practicality. It saves time and money as people can easily access information and advice for various health conditions. For less serious conditions, such as minor injuries or first-aid situations, there may not be a need to consult a doctor in person. This approach reduces the number of patients seeking medical attention for minor issues at hospitals and clinics, making it a feasible option for milder conditions. Therefore, seeking online medical advice is a practical and effective approach in today’s modern era.

However, there are also drawbacks to relying solely on online medical advice. The credibility of these websites is often questionable, as it is difficult to determine the accuracy and reliability of the information provided. Additionally, for complex and chronic diseases that require ongoing professional expertise and periodic assessments, individuals may not be able to accurately describe their symptoms, leading to potential misdiagnosis or improper self-medication. This can have negative consequences for their health.

In conclusion, online medical advice can be a suitable option for minor conditions, but caution must be exercised. While there are benefits in terms of convenience and affordability, there is also a risk of incorrect advice. Therefore, it is important to approach online medical advice with discernment and use it as a supplement to, rather than a replacement for, professional medical care.

Another One by YouChat (329 words)

In today’s digital age, the utilisation of online medical advice has become increasingly prevalent, sparking a debate about its merits and drawbacks. In my view, this trend represents a positive development, primarily due to its convenience and affordability, although certain precautions need to be taken.

First and foremost, the surge in online medical advice is driven by its practicality. As people navigate their busy lives, being able to access a plethora of medical information and advice at their fingertips proves to be a time-saving and cost-effective approach. For instance, for minor ailments or first-aid situations, individuals can acquire the necessary guidance without the need for a doctor’s assessment. This not only streamlines the treatment process but also reduces the strain on hospitals by diverting less serious cases. Consequently, seeking online medical advice emerges as an effective and pragmatic solution in our modern era.

However, it is essential to acknowledge the potential downsides of relying solely on online medical advice. One key concern revolves around the credibility of these digital platforms. The accuracy and reliability of information provided cannot always be guaranteed, which raises doubts about the validity of the advice dispensed. Furthermore, certain medical conditions, particularly chronic or incurable diseases, necessitate regular professional expertise and periodic assessments by doctors. In such cases, individuals may find it challenging to accurately articulate their symptoms and could be prone to receiving misguided advice. This, in turn, may lead to inappropriate self-medication, potentially exacerbating their condition. Therefore, it is crucial to exercise caution when relying solely on online medical advice.

In conclusion, online medical advice serves as a practical solution for addressing minor ailments and first-aid situations, offering convenience and cost-effectiveness. However, it is vital to approach these platforms with caution, acknowledging the potential limitations and ensuring that critical medical conditions receive the necessary professional assessment and care. By striking a balance between embracing convenience and exercising caution, individuals can make the most of online medical advice while prioritising their health and well-being.