Writing Task 2: Should More People Be Encouraged to Wear Their Traditional Clothes Every Day

Wrting Task 2: 250 words, 40 minutes
“In many countries, people no longer wear their traditional costumes. They are forgetting their history and traditions. More people should be encouraged to wear their traditional clothes every day. Do you agree or disagree?”

1. Introduction

  • Background: With modernisation, the use of traditional clothes is becoming more and more uncommon.
  • Introduce Question: Some are of the opinion that wearing traditional clothes on a daily basis should be fostered, while others differ in opinion.
  • Focus: Considering this situation, I strongly agree with the idea of encouraging people to wear the traditional costume of their country on a daily basis.

2. Paragraph 2

  • Topic Sentence/Explanation: To begin with, wearing traditional clothes every day has its merits as it is a symbol of cultural identity.
  • Supporting Information/Example or Situation: These clothes portray the sentiments of the indigenous culture and encompass traditional art. They act as a gateway to understanding indigenous culture. Furthermore, wearing these clothes fosters the spirit of patriotism, giving people a sense of belonging.
  • Mini Closing: Therefore, wearing these costumes daily will have a significant contribution to strengthening the cultural roots of the citizens.

3. Paragraph 3

  • Topic Sentence/Explanation: On the other hand, wearing these clothes every day may not be a feasible approach.
  • Supporting Information/Example or Situation: Many traditional clothes are cumbersome. Besides, they can be prohibitively expensive for some members of society. Wearing them every day might also deprive individuals of trying other types of clothes. In this internationalised global village, such a practice might be viewed as ethnocentric behaviour.
  • Mini Closing: Hence, wearing these clothes daily may not be a pragmatic approach in today’s globalised society.

4. Conclusion

  • Summarise 2nd Paragraph: It is apparent that wearing traditional costumes daily has benefits in strengthening cultural identity.
  • Summarise 3rd Paragraph: But, by no means should we turn a blind eye to the fact that wearing them every day is not a suitable practice.
  • Give Opinion: Nevertheless, I strongly agree that wearing traditional clothes every day will keep cultural values alive.

In the wake of modernization, the decline in the use of traditional garments has become more apparent. While some argue against it, I strongly support the idea of encouraging individuals to wear their country’s traditional costume on a daily basis. This essay will discuss the merits of embracing traditional attire as a symbol of cultural identity and how it contributes to strengthening cultural roots, despite the challenges it may present.

Paragraph 2:
To begin with, wearing traditional clothes every day holds great significance as it serves as a symbol of cultural identity. These garments encapsulate the sentiments of indigenous culture and embody traditional art forms. By donning traditional attire, individuals become walking ambassadors of their cultural heritage, providing a gateway for others to gain a deeper understanding of indigenous traditions. Moreover, this practice fosters a sense of patriotism, instilling in people a feeling of belonging and pride in their cultural roots.

Paragraph 3:
However, it is important to acknowledge that wearing traditional clothes every day may not be a feasible approach for everyone. Many traditional garments are intricate and cumbersome, making them impractical for daily wear. Additionally, the cost associated with acquiring these garments can be prohibitive for some members of society. It is also worth considering that limiting oneself to traditional attire may deprive individuals of the opportunity to explore and embrace other types of clothing. In today’s internationalized global village, such a practice might be perceived as ethnocentric behavior.

In conclusion, while there are practical challenges associated with wearing traditional attire daily, it is evident that doing so holds numerous benefits for society. Wearing traditional costumes serves as a powerful means of preserving cultural identity and heritage. By embracing traditional attire, individuals not only connect with their roots but also contribute to the broader cultural fabric of their nation. Therefore, I firmly agree that more people should be encouraged to wear their traditional clothes every day, as it serves as a means to keep cultural values alive and thriving in an increasingly interconnected world.


In today’s rapidly modernizing world, the use of traditional clothing is gradually dwindling. While some argue that promoting the daily use of traditional attire is necessary to preserve heritage and traditions, I respectfully disagree with this viewpoint. This essay will present reasons why wearing traditional clothes on a daily basis may not be a practical approach in the contemporary society.

Paragraph 2:
To begin with, it is important to acknowledge the merits of traditional costumes in representing cultural identity and heritage. These garments serve as a visual manifestation of indigenous cultures, showcasing traditional art and craftsmanship. However, it is crucial to recognize that cultural identity is not solely dependent on clothing. People can express their heritage and traditions through various other means, such as language, music, and art. Therefore, the argument that wearing traditional clothes daily is essential for preserving cultural identity may overlook the multifaceted nature of cultural expression.

Paragraph 3:
Furthermore, one must consider the practical challenges associated with wearing traditional clothing on a daily basis. Many traditional garments are elaborate and may prove cumbersome for day-to-day activities. Additionally, the cost of acquiring and maintaining such attire can be prohibitive for certain members of society. It is essential to ensure that cultural practices are inclusive and accessible to all individuals, regardless of their financial means. Encouraging the daily use of traditional clothes may inadvertently create socio-economic disparities and exclude those who cannot afford to participate in such practices.

Moreover, in today’s globalized world, where cultures intermingle and blend, promoting the daily use of traditional attire could be perceived as ethnocentric behavior. Embracing diversity and appreciating different cultures can foster understanding and harmony among communities. It is crucial to strike a balance between preserving cultural heritage and embracing the evolving dynamics of a globalized society.

Conclusion: In conclusion, while it is important to acknowledge the significance of traditional clothing in representing cultural identity, I disagree with the notion that more people should be encouraged to wear their traditional attire every day. Cultural expression is a multifaceted concept that extends beyond clothing alone. It is crucial to consider the practical challenges and potential exclusionary effects associated with such practices. Instead, fostering cultural appreciation, promoting inclusive cultural exchanges, and acknowledging the evolving nature of societal dynamics can better preserve history and traditions in our increasingly interconnected world.